Two Women Hugging
Empowering Women to Take Action

Bright Pink

Bounteous + Bright Pink Logo
Proactive Outreach
Impactful Digital Tools
Fostering Key Partnerships
Increase in Assess Your Risk Quiz Completion Rate
Increase in Organic Traffic
Traffic Volume in 18-24 Year Old Target Demographic

1 in 8 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer over their lifetime.

That's more than 37 women at Bounteous who could be diagnosed with breast cancer, making a mission that is already worthwhile more personal than ever to us.

Our team propelled Bright Pink's digital fundamentals forward so they can focus on what matters most: being an advocate for women's health.

Two man standing with their backs to the camera embracing

Bright Pink Makes a Difference

Women often look to the Internet first when researching information about their health. Accurate information and tools on Bright Pink's website need to be easy to find and comprehensive, which can help prepare women for big health conversations with healthcare providers. That’s where we come in.

various pages of the Bright Pink site

Website Experience

Through an experience audit and discussion, we identified content gaps and user experience issues, then provided strategic recommendations on improving site functionality and visual elements.

images of digital roadmap and analytics findings for Bright Pink

Creating a Digital Roadmap

We created the plan to help Bright Pink evolve their digital capabilities, in order to better understand the women they're engaging with and how to prioritize digital offerings that empower women through their health journey.

Bounteous used insight gained from the experience audit and digital roadmap when creating tools to enhance Bright Pink's digital presence.

Woman holding a phone with the Bright Pink site displayed

Enabling Women to Take Preventative Action

When women gather information online, they're seeking facts. We optimized the Assess Your Risk tool interface and functionality to grow user reach, increase assessment completions, and improve access to valuable data and insights.

Bright Pink website page and mobile app displayed side by side

Migration to Cloud Platforms

We helped Bright Pink gain time efficiencies, enhance data security, and identify cost savings by migrating tools and data to Google Cloud and Salesforce Marketing Cloud.

multiple bright pink web pages showed stacked on top of each other

Website Refresh

We revamped Bright Pink's existing WordPress website to align with new brand guidelines, as well as improve user experience on desktop and mobile.

When Bright Pink had an opportunity to further increase user engagement of their tools through a partnership with BlueCross BlueShield of Illinois, they turned to Bounteous.

four mobile screens shown with the Bright Pink app and a laptop show with Bright Pink web page

BlueCross BlueShield of Illinois Partnership

We ensured HIPAA and NCCN compliance mandates were met, laying a strong foundation for Bright Pink to pursue similar partnerships in the future.

Contributing to a brighter future for all women

Digital innovation can impact lives beyond the computer screen, as better online experiences can lead to better outcomes. Our digital transformation partnership with Bright Pink has set the foundation for continued reach and enhancements designed to improve women’s health.